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Home Services

Lawn Legends, Let’s Grow!

Balancing the demands of your lawn care business can be overwhelming. At Scorpion, we manage all your digital marketing, from website development to improving your search engine visibility, so you can focus on what matters most—delivering a great customer experience and growing your business.

Product Solutions

Upgrade your business

Lawn Care

Simplify your customer communication

How can your lawn care business effectively connect with customers in today's digital landscape? Scorpion offers an intuitive, easy-to-use platform designed to enhance the customer experience— whether through a custom AI chatbot that understands your brand and business or through Scorpion's Communications Suite, which enables direct interactions. Scorpion simplifies the process of meeting your customers where they are.

Lawn Care

An impactful website that grows your business 

Your website is the core of your digital marketing and the place where customers can learn more about your lawn care business directly from you. Our team of marketing experts collaborates with you to build a beautiful, polished website. Leveraging our data-driven solution Ranking AI, we analyze keyword content to get you precise insights on what your website needs to rank well. 

Lawn Care

Marketing designed to grow your Lawn Care business

At Scorpion, we know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to growing your lawn care business. We pair your lawn care marketing strategies with personalized communications tailored to your goals.

That means we provide you with the most seamless route to stay in contact with your potential customers through your website, social media, and more—all through our Communications Suite. 

With advanced artificial intelligence technology like our AI chatbot ,  we help your business build trust, provide excellent customer experiences to your website visitors, and deliver sophisticated lawn care marketing strategies that turn visitors into qualified leads.

We improve your search engine ranking with our Ranking AI technology , which provides a data-driven approach to SEO. Ranking AI analyzes thousands of data points to understand exactly what your website needs to rank well against your competitors and alerts our team of experts to which keywords your website needs to target your local market——all so your site ranks higher faster.

We also make sure you have a chance to improve the way customers find you through targeted advertising and local service ad adoption. Our advertising strategy is designed to give you maximum exposure at minimum cost so you only get high-quality lead flow.

Our job is to help your lawn care business flourish – by entrusting your lawn care marketing to us, you can refocus on what truly matters: crafting beautiful landscapes for your valued clients.

"The fact that I’m not even thinking about what needs to be done for my marketing on a day-to-day basis is HUGE for me. I know that it’s being handled by Scorpion."

Shane Mays

Owner, Leafs-U-Green Landscape Services

Results that speak for themselves

Leafs-U-Green Landscape Services

Leafs-U-Green Landscape Services

After working with marketing companies that failed to deliver, the owners of Leafs-U-Green finally figured out how to grow their call volume with Scorpion.

76% Increase in Revenue Year-Over-Year
Sage Pest Control

Sage Pest Control

With Scorpion, Sage Pest Control created a better brand experience that attracted more residual pest control customers — and reflected their unrivaled customer experience.

368% Increase in organic web traffic
93% Increase new customer leads
74% Increase advertising leads
Five Star Painting

Five Star Painting

With a brand new marketing team on their side, Pedro and Jorge launched a campaign with a focus on advertising and haven’t looked back.

1400% ROI
730% Yearly lead volume
4.3k Organic visits
Run your best marketing

Get everything you need to market your business.