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Healthcare Healthcare

Upgrade Your Business

Run your best dental services organization

We provide marketing solutions such as content strategy, advertising efforts, and social media support, so your DSO can focus on the non-clinical needs of your practices.

"I would absolutely recommend Scorpion, and I’ve actually had a few people call to ask my opinion of Scorpion, and I tell them that they’re incredibly collaborative, responsive, and they’re just great people to work with, and I think that makes a big difference."
Samantha Raftovich Project Manager, St. Francis Healthcare
Product Solutions

There’s no business like yours. Let’s make it known.

  • Bringing years of expertise

    Regardless of your current size and reach, your DSO must stay at the forefront of digital marketing and technology to benefit your practices. We constantly innovate while drawing upon industry experience to provide custom insight and solutions for growth.
  • Get the critical support you need

    Dental service organizations face no shortage of market challenges. Your critical business management is what allows dentists to focus on their patients. We offer marketing expertise in your field while providing ways to overcome the obstacle of local and brand-wide growth.
  • Build a lasting partnership

    DSO marketing will only be as effective as the tools and people at your disposal. As your partner, we will align our marketing efforts with your practice-growth needs to meet the common goal of supporting your practices.
Who We Help

Healthcare organizations we help

We have countless other solutions that can be tailored to your business needs.

Ready to run your best marketing?