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Scorpion Scorpion

Tutor Doctor

Strength, Unity & the Path to Creating a Household Name

Increase in Organic Web Traffic
Increase in Advertising Leads
Increase in Total Leads

Isolated Franchisees

Since it was established 20 years ago, Tutor Doctor had a clear mission: to change the trajectory of students’ lives. When the company began franchising in 2003, however, that mission and the trusted Tutor Doctor brand were not conveyed in a unified and clear way by franchisees.

According to Frank Milner, President of Tutor Doctor, “[The disconnect] created some really significant challenges as we’ve grown into hundreds of different franchisees and hundreds of different URLs. As we recognized how this was impacting our potential to dominate on the internet, we had to find a way to bring everyone back into the camp.”

Tutor Doctor turned to Scorpion for the technology, marketing expertise, and team to unify the brand.

Tutor Doctor franchisor

Dominating the Space

Before Scorpion, Tutor Doctor gave franchisees free rein in branding their websites as they saw fit, as long as they linked to the corporate website. Our team stepped in to unite these individual entities into a strong online presence. Together, Tutor Doctor franchisees had the power to dominate the space. “We’re starting to see the benefit of that power, of having all our franchisees in the Tutor Doctor campaign,” said Frank. “And that’s been absolutely huge.”
Tutor Doctor tutors

Future-Proof Strategies

Tutor Doctor has seen more leads, more franchisees, and more revenue since partnering with Scorpion to bring alignment to their brand online. They have also benefited from future-proof strategies that will continue to propel the company forward, plus a team that’s dedicated to bringing guidance based on industry changes, answering questions whenever needed, and providing complete transparency regarding campaign performance.

Frank, Khya, and the entire team at Tutor Doctor, we’re proud of the relationship we’ve built and of the success we’ve been able to achieve, together. Here’s to even more wins!

“Working with Scorpion going forward I think is probably our best bet at having the biggest impact on the tutoring world that we can.”

Khya Fellingham

Marketing Director, Tutor Doctor

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