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Scorpion Scorpion

Turner Law Group

growth in keyword ranking
increase in organic new user traffic
surge in user engagement

Opening a Practice that Makes a Difference

Before Rick Turner had even received his college diploma, he knew he wanted to help people. At first, he entered the world of higher education intent on completing his undergraduate degree in special education. However, the challenge of learning continued to appeal to him, and after a year of teaching, he applied and got into the DePaul University College of Law.

Upon passing the bar and practicing with two other attorneys, Rick finally branched out and opened up his own practice with a focus on personal injury cases. “I really found that I liked the personal injury side of things. Representing injured people in circumstances where typically those are people that are in kind of a little bit of a hot mess, and they need some help.” The year was 1987.

Rick’s main priority was establishing a business where clients always come first. A goal that Turner Law Associate Attorney Margie Comas–a former personal injury worker herself–agrees with. “I have a lot of compassion for the people who come through the door, and I want to see that we can help and do the best for them. They’re scared, they usually don’t have any money coming in, and they’re usually lost and don’t know what to do.” Rick and his team's mission was to remove and replace that uncertainty with confidence. But first, they needed clients.

Turner Law Group

Finding a New Way to Reach Clients

In the early stages of Rick’s practice, the best way to market as an attorney was word-of-mouth and building a reputation amongst your community. “The model in the eighties was referrals from other attorneys and the phone book. There really wasn’t any other way to get your message of what you were trying to do in your firm.”

But with the evolution of the internet and how people discover businesses, Rick knew he needed to keep up with the times. “There are so many choices for potential clients now and so many ways that they can find a law firm for their needs, whether it’s divorce, a will, personal injury, or worker’s comp case.”

For Turner Law Group, Rick pinpointed what areas they needed help in from a marketing team.

  • Targeted advertising for potential clients
  • A website that ranks well
  • Reputation management
  • Company growth

With this task list in hand, Rick and his team set out to find a marketing team that could help his practice move into the new age of digital marketing.

After working with a local marketing company that took a general approach, Rick sought a team to take them to the next level with customized marketing designed for his firm. “It was okay for that time period, but we needed to find a different way and method of targeting our potential clients, and we found Scorpion. We developed a relationship with them, and that’s who we are today.”

A Customized Approach to Meet Specific Demands

Once he joined forces with Scorpion, Rick worked with his new team of marketing experts to plan the marketing strategy that made sense for his practice and business goals. “All the folks at Scorpion that we’ve dealt with have been very good at, first of all, trying to determine what our goals or objectives were. And then second, trying to develop a plan to meet those objectives based on the budget we wanted to put into the effort.”

As an attorney, one of the most important factors for Rick is receiving evidence of how and where his marketing budget goes. Through platforms such as our Digital Advertising and Scorpion Ranking, Rick is able to see a play-by-play of what strategies are working and whether he and his Scorpion team need to pivot to nurture other areas of advertising success. “The more information that you can get–and we get information on a monthly basis in terms of where our rankings are, in website visits, in terms of what’s going on with the money that we’re spending–it helps us make a decision with the folks from Scorpion in terms of where to go from here, any given time.”

Scorpion Products

To maximize his reach and success, Rick uses the following Scorpion products:

  • Ranking AI 
    • 47% increase in organic traffic
    • #1 in Google for over a dozen KWs, including Sycamore Injury Attorney
  • Local Service Ads
    • 20% increase in organic leads
  • AI Chat
    • Providing 24/7 engagement for visitors and lead capture
  • Web Essentials Bundle
  • Marketing Essentials

For Rick, he has high hopes for the future. “I would hope to see that this law firm is known for doing a very good job representing people in tough circumstances in either personal injury, wrongful death, or worker’s comp, and in the future, we still have very good professional people who are carrying out that mission.” Our mission at Scorpion is to continue to support Rick, his team, and his goals to do just that.

"If we're putting money into the marketing budget, what are we getting back in return? The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. When we see our rankings going up in geographical areas that we're targeting...That's evidence that things are working. Scorpion's been the best choice for us in terms of getting our name out there."

Rick Turner

Partner, Turner Law Group

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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.