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Scorpion Scorpion

Hamilton Clarke LLP

Increase in website traffic
Increase in website leads
increase in staff

Making a Difference

After graduating from law school, Lance Clarke and Phillip Hamilton had very different focuses. Lance specialized in white-collar defense and civil litigation, while Phillip made a name for himself in State and Federal criminal defense.

It wasn’t long though before they became aware of each other, and the idea of what they could do together as one firm began to blossom. According to Lance, “what we were finding out were people were looking for experienced young black attorneys, and they didn’t know who to choose.” They had the idea of creating a firm that provided a foundation of excellence that not only catered to their potential clients, but also to young up-and-coming attorneys who were ready to make a difference.

After years of back and forth, an unlikely candidate helped bring that idea to fruition. Because of the lockdown during the pandemic, Lance and Phillip had the opportunity to really nail down the details, and Hamilton Clarke, LLP was born.

Extend the Table

Aside from catering to the citizens of New York City for all their legal needs, Lance and Phillip had an extra special reason to grow and succeed. “My law partner Phillip and I wanted to create a space where black excellent attorneys could come and showcase their talent. When we started Hamilton Clarke, the whole purpose was to give people opportunities who necessarily might not have them in bigger institutions.”

In order for Phillip and Lance to meet that goal, they needed a way to grow and stabilize in an already saturated market. The firm had a website, but it was difficult for potential clients to find, and visitor information didn’t pinpoint where their target market was coming from. “You never know who’s coming to your site, where they’re coming from. So how do you know who to market to and where?”

Without search engine optimization (SEO), their online presence wasn’t competing with the more well-known practices. Phillip’s frustrations went all the way to the courthouse. “I would see attorneys who I see in court, coming up in positions on Google and in positions with their digital marketing that gave them so many views, and such a presence on the internet that I didn’t have.”

However, focusing on SEO wouldn't be enough to get a new law firm noticed and chosen by Hamilton Clark's target audience. They needed to focus on:

  • Search engine optimization
  • A new polished website
  • Strong return on investment
  • Lead generation
  • Brand awareness

After discussing Scorpion’s capabilities with colleagues, the team at Hamilton Clarke decided to see if the marketing company was the right fit for them and their goals.

Marketing Help in a New York Minute

Marketing Help in a New York Minute

Wanting to be equal (if not superior) to their fellow firms, Phillip and Lance hoped that Scorpion could bring their presence to a whole new level. Scorpion set to work providing the firm with a whole new website, a focus on strategic SEO build-up, and a goal to target the local market.

Since their partnership, Hamilton Clarke has developed a reputation for quality representation, built a foundation of bigger client retainers, and launched advertising campaigns that meant a lot to the team. “We had this billboard on 125th and Lennox. To me, it was the most special thing in the world. I was born and raised in this city, and I thought it was important—especially for young brown boys and girls—to walk by a billboard and see four men of color in suits standing there that are attorneys and doing their thing in a very high-level way in a legal field.”

Scorpion Products

To maximize their reach and success, Phillip and Lance use the following Scorpion products:

  • Scorpion Ranking
    • 30% increase in organic traffic
    • 40% increase in website leads
  • AI Chat
    • Providing 24/7 engagement for visitors and lead capture
  • Scorpion One
  • Content Marketing

Keeping up with evolving marketing techniques, maintaining a website, and launching successful ads can take a lot out of a busy business owner’s time. Especially when they’re juggling a successful law firm.

Having a marketing team that understands the importance of timing and goal completion is one of the main characteristics that align Scorpion’s goals with what Phillip is looking for. “New York City is an urgent city. And what I love about our marketing-based team, at the end of the day, they have that New York urgency with respect to everything they do for us. It’s no different than literally if they worked here in our office.”

If you want to relaunch your marketing efforts or grow your business, reach out to Scorpion today.

“If you’re busy, and hopefully you are if you’re running a company, you need someone that has the time to do the things that need to be done with your website. It was money well spent and time well spent. I credit a portion of the success of the firm to Scorpion, and I’m happy that we’re in this thing together.”

Lance Clarke

Family Partner, Hamilton Clarke LLP

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We partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that works for your business, not anyone else’s. Your customers find and choose you, again and again. And you get more of what you want out of your business. Every day.