Social media is great for creating brand awareness and engaging with your audience. But as a business owner, it’s critical also to use the platform for lead generation.
But what is the right approach to generating leads from social media? In this episode of the Sharpest Tool, available here, Joshua Smith, Scorpion’s Vice President of Account Management, and Nicholas Bosco, Senior Director of Account Management, discuss how businesses can leverage social media for lead generation.
Join us as we discuss:
- How social media is a unique lead driver
- Why you should think of relevance while creating content
- Why you need to stay in front of your customers
How social media is a unique lead driver
According to Bosco, by staying consistent with your client base, you’ll nurture people who will keep returning to your social media page. You can then expand that base to those people's social media followers. So, while social media may not be a heavy lead driver, it still works.
Why you should think of relevance while creating content
While people may not be on social media to look for home services, everyone has a plumbing issue and AC problems. So, you need to target in terms of relevance and seasonality.
Why you need to stay in front of your customers
Remarketing is the way to always stay in front of your customers because people are not likely to respond to your ad when they see it for the first time, according to Smith. Remarketing has evolved to the point where you can engage with people based on where they are and what they are talking about. Also, to win on social media, you must be present, or you can be sure a competitor is doing that.
Join us in our next Sharpest Tool episode, where Josh covers how to measure the success of your social media marketing.